A Single Piece of Paper is Selling for $4.95 

Customers Are BEGGING For It

So what's so special about this piece of paper?

It's definitely NOT what's printed on it

That's not special at all

You can easily find that free online

So, why are people HAPPY to spend their money on it?

Why are they going CRAZY for it?

Why do they consider it a BARGAIN?

Why are they giving it RAVE reviews?

Here's what's special about it:

When people buy this piece of paper...

They go and get their scissors... 

And go crazy cutting up the paper!

Yes, it sounds a bit crazy

But don't underestimate this craze

It's very much like the adult coloring book craze was

And it's generating a TON of money

People LOVE cutting up the paper

It makes them feel like they are 'crafting' it

It makes them feel like they are part of the process

It makes them feel happy 🙂

They get their families involved

Their friends, their kids

They love doing these 'cut outs' together

They are having FUN

Cut Outs is a Crafts Movement 

It's all about Do It Yourself

Get your hands involved

And feel proud about what you crafted

What shapes are they cutting out?

Invitations, Thank You cards, Birthday decorations,

Gift cards, Wedding decorations, Cake toppers,

Christmas decorations, Party favors, New Year's

decorations, and many many more.

BUT, it gets even better...

You are NOT selling them a piece of paper 

You are selling them a simple PDF

THEY are printing out the piece of paper

Yes, they are doing almost ALL of the work

They are printing out the paper

They are cutting it up

And YOU are getting paid

Does this sound like a good deal for you? 

I've honestly never seen a better one!

This is why I LOVE short content

And it doesn't get shorter than a single, simple page

You can create one of these PDFs in LESS than 1 HOUR

And start selling them IMMEDIATELY

I will GIVE YOU the content to fill up your PDF

I will SHOW YOU the hottest niches to target

I want this to be a 'You Can't Lose' opportunity 

These are simple, quick online profits 

The best that I have ever seen in my entire life 

It honestly doesn't get any easier than this

If you aren't yet getting your fair share of online profits... 

This is exactly where you should start

It's quick, simple, and painless

And the royalties keep flowing for years and years

I wish you success in all that you do

Not to mention your health and your happiness!

Good luck with everything in your life

And I'll see you on the inside!

PS: These pieces of paper sell even MORE during Christmas and New Year's. In fact, they SURGE for every single holiday all year long. Not to mention birthdays and a whole bunch of other occasions. Yes, this one's a clear winner.

Early-Bird Price is $17.97

When timer hits ZERO, price JUMPS to $39 Dollars

You must contact us directly for a full refund: support@bookpumper.com

Paul Coleman

Paul Coleman is the founder of Bookpumper.com and he has helped thousands of authors achieve their dreams.

Paul Coleman, Bookpumper.com
Geoff Shaw

"Paul is one of the few people I recommend. If you have the opportunity to learn from him, make sure you don't miss out."

Geoff Shaw, Geoffshawmarketing.com
Amy Harrop

"Paul is able to consistently pinpoint what’s working now to sell books, and even more importantly, how to do so."

Amy Harrop, Amyharrop.com
Britt Malka

"Paul has always been kind and very helpful, much beyond what I would expect."

Britt Malka, Writerbychoice.com
Bill Platt

"If you are looking to crack the publishing nut, Paul is the guy with the nutcracker in hand."

Bill Platt, Fictionplots.com
Bolaji O

"Paul has been a maverick voice for indie authors, over these past several years."

Bolaji O, Bookmarketingengine.com
David Lee Martin

"Paul has proven that he is a man of integrity, never shying away from taking up challenges, and being open and transparent with his results."

David Lee Martin, Indieauthor.com
Tink Boord-Dill

"But above all, I look for integrity in the product and in the person providing the information. Paul is on my personal short list."

Tink Boord-Dill, Tinkboorddill.com/writing
Teresa Miller

"When Paul talks about selling books, I pay attention. If you get a chance to get in on any of his training programs, jump on it!"

Teresa Miller, Freestyleauthor.com
Derek Doepker

"Not only is Paul wise, he has a heart of service dedicated to helping authors succeed."

Derek Doepker, Ebookbestsellersecrets.com
Tiffany Lambert

"So few marketers have the ability to motivate and inspire me. Paul is one of those people."

Tiffany Lambert, Forayintofiction.com
Kim Lambert

"Paul's support is always there. And it’s real support, with serious effort put into helping you."

Kim Lambert, Dreamstonepublishing.com
Adrienne Hew, CN

"Paul teaches us in simple ways how we can tap into our own natural gifts for writing, for marketing, and drawing our audience in."

Adrienne Hew, CN, Adriennehew.com
Chris Munch

"Paul lays out clear and powerful methods, showing you how to get your books noticed and monetized to the absolute maximum."

Chris Munch, Munchweb.com
Ed Lewis

"Paul consistently delivers brand new, cutting edge information. I've been recommending Paul for years, and the response has been 100% positive."

Ed Lewis, Writelikeamaniac.com

Price is Currently $17.97

When timer hits ZERO, price JUMPS to $39 Dollars

Price: $39.99  Right NOW: $17.97

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You must contact us directly for a full refund: support@bookpumper.com

30-Day Refund Policy: If you contact us directly via our Support Center or our email address (support@bookpumper.com), we will speedily refund your money. If you start a dispute with PayPal instead of simply asking us for a refund, this may greatly delay or even void your refund. Please allow up to 72 hours for your refund to be processed as we may be in a different time zone than you. We are honorable people. We will refund your money.

Results May Vary:  We cannot guarantee success. We can only guarantee to give you the best training possible. And your money back if you are not completely satisfied. Results, of course, may vary. When promoting your book using our tactics: You may make money, you may lose money, you may simply break even. Our training is world class and leading edge. It is the best on the market. We want to see you happy and successful. And that's what we strive for each and every day.